I talked to the Agency today about the interstate adoption program. We are scheduled to have a phone conference this Friday.
At that time they will just answer questions that we have and talk more in depth of how the program works. More about the fee break down! We are going interstate as we feel a little bit better knowing these children are already up for adoption the parents have already signed over their child/ren or a judge has taken them from their parents. We would love to adopt a sibling group so we can keep a family together as much a possible.
The total cost of this program is $8,500 for their services to help match us with kids that would fit into our home. They do all the paper work, calling the social worker or set children who we are interested in. This allows us to look at all the kids in the USA and not just children here in our state. Which as I have heard from a ton of places is that the social workers here in our state LOVE their job so in stead of finding homes for the kids they move the kids around in the system. Sad for the kiddos as it just takes much longer for kids here to find their forever family.
We wanted to go international and still might if we can but as of right now we cant because I have anxiety. Nope just get worked up about the unknown medically when anyone in my family gets hurt/sick. Yeah nothing that last more than a short amount of time as I calm myself down. I am on medicine for it as it helps me sleep at night. Ok you see I used to wake up 4-5 times at night to check on my son to make sure he was still breathing so it messed with my sleeping. My dr felt it would be better for me to be on something low dosage so I could be well rested and not worry so much. How this came about it nearly losing my 2 wk baby to GERDS/breath holding/weak trachea. We spent the first 6 months of his life in and out of the children's hospital (picu and normal floor) he stopped breathing at home or in the AID unit a total of over 20 times with 6 of those needed CPR and coding while in the hospital one time which needed Asst. that put him on a vent as he struggled to breath. He was on a vent for a while with a picc line directly to his heart. He ended up having surgery for the Gerds at 2 months old which helped a bit. That was our longest stay from November 2nd - through December 23. At 5 months he had his last episode which resulted in a weeks hospital stay Dec 28-Jan 4th. We almost never looked back at that point until his vent into his stomach (for burping) broke at 8 months old. After hours and me consulting with his pediatrician and the Dr that was caring for K that I felt he could go without the button. After 6 hours with a hungry baby the button was removed and we were on our way home. K was still on machines at home for breathing so I could breath a little easier, the anxiety started when the machines for gone. So this drama early on made me worry a little more than I should. Now that I am on anxiety medicine I sleep better and I feel more relaxed. Now my anxiety is over the weight gain the medicine has caused but its that or the worry something is going to happen to my child all the time. I pick the weight, just so I can be the best mom I can be and give son my all instead of being tired all the time.
To be honest I don't think any parent would be the same after going through an event like we did. It changes you in ways you never knew it could until you go through it. I would never change a thing as my son is here with me and happy and healthy. Love that little guy
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